Look, we like our moms. They’re pretty awesome for putting up with our garbage from day 1, and we appreciate that. Well, most of us do. Brian would probably get defensive and say he was the perfect child. I wasn’t there, couldn’t say.
But listen, your mom needs a break. She works hard. She cleans. She cooks. She waits until everyone is asleep before breaking open the hootch. And you should do something nice for her. She deserves all the hugs and pullups in the world.
And what a better way to start with the 7 members of Hugs and Pullups as we open for Williams and Martinez at the Playground Theater tomorrow night at 10pm? In fact, let me say right now that if you bring your mother, and you introduce us before the show, we’ll reciprocate by taking her out for a beer afterwards. Our treat. It won’t get weird… unless you want it to.
See you there!